Medicina Cosmica

Greetings Beloved Ones! In celebration of life, love, and unity of Heaven and Earth we are offering our first ever online Dieta this November 11th! On 11:11 we will begin a sacred immersion that is both filled with ancient earth wisdom, and celestial remembrance from the stars. You are invited to join us in this 10 day online sacred plant Dieta - Medicina Cosmica!!!

November 10th - 21st

A 10-day Online Dieta where we will connect Heaven to Earth

What is a Plant Diet?

A plant medicine dieta is a traditional practice, particularly in Amazonian shamanic traditions, where an individual follows a strict diet and lifestyle regimen while working with plant medicines.

This online dieta is designed to deepen your connection with the plant spirits of Bobinsana and Ayahuasca, supporting your healing journey and aligning you with your innate cosmic connection to the stars, ancient memories, and celestial realms.

You will receive:

  • Personal opening and closing of your medicine dieta

  • Personal 10-15 min akashic reading

  • Daily Meditation with the Spirit of Bobinsana

  • Medicine of Self Care

    • Plant Bath Recipes

    • Herbal Face & Body Scrubs

    • Natural Flower Waters

  • Guided journey to the Spirit of Ayahuasca

  • Guided journey in the Akashic Records to unlock your connection with the Spirit of Bobinsana.

  • Journal questions and exercises

  • Group and personal check-ins

  • Song sharing, ceremony and ritual

  • Integration support

  • Optional extended personal 1:1 akashic healings

  • And so much more!!

Benefits of this Online Dieta:

  • Deepening a relationship with plant spirits as powerful allies

  • Developing respect and understanding for ancient traditions

  • Enhancing healing and detoxification

  • Promoting mental clarity and emotional balance

  • Fostering devoted discipline & mindful living

  • Connecting with intuition

  • Accessing your natural higher states of consciousness

Meet Your Plant Allies


As the divine mother of the master plants, Ayahuasca offers herself to the planet as a messenger of Great Spirit. She helps us to discover our Highest Self, and gives us the opportunity to cleanse our bodies, minds and emotions from toxins and old patterns. From our purified state, Ayahuasca guides us toward our visions and teaches us how to access higher levels of consciousness in order to manifest our dreams.


This master teacher amplifies the energy of the heart to bring forth self-love, compassion and gratitude. She carries a divine feminine, goddess essence offering the qualities of receptivity, intuition, strength and softness. She assists us in healing heart wounds of the past related to sadness and grief. Bobinsana is here to help us heal our pain, restore the wholeness of our hearts and free ourselves to receive more expansive love.

When do we meet?

Our online journey will take place over 6 live zoom sessions. We invite all who feel called to participate in as many of the live sessions as possible. And, for those who can't make a call, sessions will be recorded and available online. The dates of the calls are as follows:

November 10th, 13th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 21st

Our calls will begin at 8am pacific / 11am eastern on the above dates and will last approximately 2 hours.

Meet your Guides

Srimati Alyra is a cosmic ceremonialist, woman of prayer, and Starseed activator for the future generations. As a living oracle, she brings forth codes of light from pure source light streams of divine love. After spending over 15 years cultivating her creatives arts in the fields of healing energy, embodiment movement, ancient plant medicine wisdom, and ceremonial arts, she is ready to share these gifts with the world.

Anchored in the crystalized vision of service to all life, Alyra creates a space where true love and compassion can be felt for all hearts. Unity fields radiate a living light transmission where spontaneous awakenings and realizations can be seeded in the consciousness of all who are ready to receive the wisdom that is available. Through fierce play, radical self love, authentic connection, a deep passion for expressing love in every moment, her spaces invite all who are eager to remember who they are to come and experience the magic of true becoming.

Her offerings are guided by Spirit and in pure service of the highest good of all life. Alyra serves as a channel for the divine and for all hearts participating. The space will be open for all knowledge, healing, and embodiment of higher self aspects, timelines, and best life ever magic. 🪄

CJ Ananda is the co-founder of Present Moment Retreat, The Kula Collective Yoga School, Casa Kula Retreat Center and Kula Maya Boutique Hotel. She facilitates shamanic cleanses, ceremonies, yoga trainings, transformational retreats and 1-on-1 coaching, giving each person the heartfelt attention and guidance that cultivates profound healing, and expansive experiences. As a facilitator, she sees each of her offerings as an opportunity to hold sacred ceremonial containers that support our collective evolution.

Integrating her teachings and passions, Ananda weaves her knowledge of plant spirit medicine with the intentional-based healing philosophy that we are all a part of a collective life force that is driving us towards greater consciousness. Her vision is that of humanity coming into alignment with the unified purpose awakening. She works with her clients to assist the process of cleansing their bodies, minds and emotions from toxins and old patterns, to explore their gifts, deepen their relationship with Spirit and move toward bringing their visions to light.

Ananda lives on Lake Atitlan in Guatemala where she and her husband, Coby live in loving community, with the spirits of the land, sharing music, meditation, movement and honoring the medicinal wisdom of plants. This life and lifestyle is her greatest Joy!

What is my investment?

First and foremost, we ask that you invest yourself: to fully commit to this journey with the most sincere devotion of the heart, as it is the plants who are offering their wisdom for us to be united within and throughout. When one diets deep in the heart of the jungle, they are asked to do the same. So we honor our teachers and the ancient ways before us by inviting each one of you to step wholeheartedly in this portal together!

Energetic Exchange

$750 USD

Your investment for this online retreat of Medicina Cosmica includes:

  • 12 hours of live calls

  • Ayahuasca & Bobinsana tinctures

  • Personal daily meditations

  • Plant medicine journeys

  • Guided plant study

  • Opening & closing ceremonies

  • Recipes and self care rituals

  • Akashic reading

  • 1:1 guidance and support

Pay in Full - $750

Deposit Only - $250

Have questions? Please reach out!