Ayahuasca Ceremony
Arrival & Preparation

Thank you for joining us for ceremony. We're excited to open this portal together. Below there is information about how to arrive, what to bring, and a letter from Ananda with some preparation guidelines. If you have any questions or concerns, please message Ananda
(WhatsApp: +1 612 584 1613)

Casa Kula is located in the village of Tzununa. Any Tzununa TucTuc (motor taxi) will know the way. If you're coming from San Marcos, they may not know where we are, so you may need to ask for "Casa Curativa", as they are our closet neighbor.

Once dropped off, we are a 1 minute walk from the road. Below we've added a couple of photos to help you find our door.

Arrival Information

Here's where you will get dropped off. Follow this little trail and it will lead you to the front door.

This is our front door. If it's locked, simply pull the string on the right side of the door as you push the door open. Welcome home! You made it!!

Please join our WhatsApp Community for announcements on upcoming events, trainings and retreats!

What to bring

  • Warm clothes. The weather is generally quite comfortable, but we'll be up most of the evening, so dress warm. We will also have two blankets per person, so you should be cozy.

  • Flashlight (Torch). If there's a red setting, much better, as the white light can be quite abrasive for people's sensitive eyes.

  • Ceremonial Clothes. There's no specific dress code... so whatever feels sacred to you.

  • Change of Clothes. The following day we will have a plant Bath available and it's nice to change in to different clothes after your bath.

  • Water Bottle. This one needs no explanation. There will be

  • Sacred Items. You are welcome to create a small alter with sacred items next to your cushion. But, please keep it to only the few most precious items as Ananda will likely be working around your space in the dark and doesn't want to step or trip on your alter.

  • Eye Mask. While we will keep the lights off for the ceremony, some people like to wear an eye mask to completely block out the light.

  • Journal.

  • Towel.

Hi Everyone,

For those of you who will be sitting with us in ceremony (whether you have worked with plant medicines before or not), please read through all the following information to begin your preparation. Please do your best to follow the protocol to help ensure a positive, safe and healthy experience.

Please arrive early to the space to give yourself time to settle in. Bring warm clothes/layers (all natural fibers), including hats, socks, leggings, sweaters/ponchos. Also bring a water bottle and a flashlight/headlamp with a red light option. The following morning, we will gather for a group reflection. If you are unable to attend the sharing circle, please know that I am available for further follow up for the next 3 days following the ceremony. After which, I am available for coaching and mentoring here: https://www.puravidya.com/coaching.html

We see the master plants as divine teachers, powerful guides that can help us see deeper truths within ourselves. Ayahuasca can help heal our bodies and transform our hearts. The medicine demonstrates a profound connection and respect for our Earth. As soon as we say “yes” to working with this medicine she begins to work with us.

Between now and the time that we gather to celebrate together, start to notice how the energy of the medicine may already be working its magic with you. It is a good time to become aware of your purpose in participating in your ceremony, and to let that infuse your coming days. Explore what is calling you to this work. Do you have specific intentions for this ceremony? Is there anything that you desire to be cleansed and released? Initiated? Celebrated? Take note of anything that comes up for you (whether it be viewed as positive or negative), as this is a part of the medicine starting to prepare you for a deeper connection. Use this time to notice what is present in both your waking and dreaming states along this journey of cleansing and preparation.


If you are taking any prescription medications (including antibiotics or steroids), please let us know now so that we can make sure it is safe for you to join us. Please consult us if you are taking any medication or herbal remedies for mood enhancement, anxiety, depression or insomnia. There are some prescription drugs and supplements that can have contraindications with the medicine and can be very dangerous.

Do not combine the following herbs or over-the-counter supplements with the medicine:

St. John’s Wort






Antidepressants (specifically SSRIs - serotonin selective reuptake inhibitors ) affecting serotonin levels are typically contraindicated. Medical consultation is essential if you are taking antidepressants such as:







**These medications may require up to six weeks to clear the system completely, and it often takes weeks to wean off safely.

DO NOT go off any medication abruptly without the supervision of a licensed health practitioner. Keep in mind that MAOI and, therefore, the vine itself is not illegal; therefore, you should be able to talk to a health professional about the contra-indications of the MAOI-containing plants without fear. **

HGH and DHEA as well as some steroids, and antibiotics must also be cleared from the body at least two weeks before drinking medicine.

No MDMA or other street drugs, including over-the-counter diet pills, antihistamines, allergy or cold medicines the week before.

We recommend abstaining from other plant medicines and/or mind-altering substances prior to ceremony. This is up to your own discretion and listening, as everyone has their own relationship with the plants.

The plant medicines can lower your blood pressure to do their repair and reconstructive work, so please notify us if you are on any blood pressure medications. Also, if you are subject to high blood pressure, have a heart condition, or are under treatment for any health condition, please consult your physician about the use of temporary monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI).


Other MAOIs

Other SSRIs (any selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor)

Amphetamines (meth-, dex-, amphetamine)

Anti-hypertensives (high blood pressure medicine)

Appetite suppressants (diet pills)

Medicine for asthma and bronchitis (Albuterol is ok to use in case of an asthma attack)


Medicines for colds, sinus problems, hay fever, or allergies (Actifed DM, Benadryl, Benylin, Chlor-Trimeton, Compoz, etc.)

CNS (central nervous system) depressants


Alcohol & marijuana

These specific drugs should not be combined with MAOIs:


Amantadine hydrochloride (Symmetrel)

Amoxapine (Asendin)



Bupropion (Wellbutrin)

Buspirone (BuSpar)

Carbamazepine (Tegretol, Epitol)


Clomipramine (Anafranil)


Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril)

Cyclizine (Marezine)

Desipramine (Pertofrane)

Dextromethorphan (DXM)

Disopyramide (Norpace)

Doxepin (Sinequan)


Flavoxate Hydrochloride (Urispas)

Fluoxetine (Prozac)

Imipramine (Tofranil)

Isocarboxazid (Marplan)

Levodopa (Dopar, Larodopa)

Linezolid (antibiotic and MAOI)

Loratadine (Claritin)

Maprotiline (Ludiomil)

Meperidine (Demerol)

Methylphenidate (Ritalin)

Nortriptyline (Aventyl)

Oxybutynin chloride (Ditropan)

Orphenadrine (Norflex)


Paroxetine (Paxil)


Phenelzine (Nardil)

Procainamide (Pronestyl)

Protriptyline (Vivactil)


Quinidine (Quinidex)



Selegiline (Eldepryl)

Sertraline (Zoloft)



Tranylcypromine (Parnate)

Tricyclic antidepressants (Amitriptyline, Elavil)

Trimipramine (Surmontil)


On an emotional health level, please let us know if you have any concerns about a particular trauma that is present for you. If so, we can discuss whether sitting with the medicine would be an appropriate and safe way of working with this trauma.

Also, please note that as a part of your integration process, we have professional coaches, psychotherapists and somatic healing practitioners who are available for integration work after the ceremony if needed or desired.

All of the following dietary suggestions are meant to support a graceful journey with the medicine. There are many resources to consult. Much of the information here is based on what is considered the Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOI) safety diet, a diet that prepares us for working with the medicine of Ayahuasca. With dietary considerations, the most important recommendation we can give is: listen to what feels healthy for you. But know that the clearer and cleaner (physically and mentally) you arrive to the space, the more accessible the healing can be, and the deeper the medicine can go.

Contraindicated food can be life-threatening, so please read and carefully. The dietary suggestions can help keep you safe and assist in a more easeful journey. You may implement these recommendations as soon as you would like, but they are most important during the few days before and 1-2 days after ceremony. In general, it is best to eat a simple diet with not too much salt or spice. Fresh veggies, fruits, grains as well as chicken and fish are fine. We recommend eating foods that are as fresh as possible and not overripe, preserved, smoked, cured, salted, or spoiled in any way.

To support the comfort of your experience, stir-fried, steamed, or raw vegetables work well to keep your body alkaline, maximizing your cleansing and detoxification. Millet, brown rice, quinoa, and other whole grains, especially sprouted grains, are beneficial. If you digest raw foods well, emphasize salads, raw fruits and vegetables, and raw juices. If you digest eggs, chicken, fish, and other white meats well, small amounts of these foods will strengthen you as you clean up other areas of your diet. Please aspire to eat sustainably and happily raised foods, especially meat, as the energy of the animal's life experiences may be more readily apparent to you during this time when you are more energetically sensitive. Fresh dairy products such as locally-made, cultured, fresh, soft cheeses; yogurt; and cottage cheese are fine. Remember that any food in the aging process produces a contra-indicated substance.

Although many people have consumed MAOI contra-indicated foods without consequence, anecdotal reports suggest that MAOI reactions can happen by consuming a minimal amount of contra-indicated foods.

Foods to avoid one week (minimum 3 days) before ceremony:

Any foods that are aged, preserved, dried, fermented, pickled, cured (meats), rotten, old, stale, outdated, overripe, salt-cured, or even slightly spoiled
Red meat
Sausage, bologna, pepperoni, salami, corned beef, jerky
Smoked, fermented, pickled (herring) and otherwise aged or dried fish; lox; any fish that is not fresh
Aged cheeses (cottage cheese and cream cheese are safe)
Protein extracts
Liquid and powdered protein dietary supplements and protein bars
Brewer’s yeast, yeast vitamin supplements, or yeast extracts
Tofu, fermented bean curd, fermented soybean paste, soy sauce, tempeh, Bragg's Amino Acids
Soups made with protein extracts or bouillon – eat fresh soup only!
Miso soup (contains fermented bean curd)
Shrimp paste and fish sauce
Sauerkraut and kimchi
Kombucha and Jun (especially if the Kombucha contains the amino acid Tyramine)
Bruised fruits or even slightly overripe, especially bananas and apples
Dried fruits such as raisins, figs, citrus, pineapple, plums, and prunes.
Avocados, if overripe (slightly under-ripe avocados are fine in moderation). Very fresh Guacamole is ok to consume. Do not consume older guacamole.
Alcohol, especially red wine, chianti, sherry, vermouth, champagne, brandy, beers, and ales, including non-alcoholic; whiskey and liqueurs such as Drambuie.
Dairy products that are close to the expiration date or have been unrefrigerated (fresh yogurt is safe).
Aspartame (Nutrasweet) and all chemicals and preservatives
Fava beans, particularly if overripe
Peanuts, in large quantities
Peanut butter
Spicy foods
Fried foods
Refined sugar
Salt (have an awareness of lightening the salt load in general, but you don't have to completely eliminate it)
Chocolate is in a gray area; best to avoid when you are just beginning practice

**For the day of our ceremony, please avoid: supplements, citrus, salt, sugar and fat.

Fasting is only recommended for those with fasting experience. Otherwise, we recommend you eat at least one full meal for breakfast and perhaps something light for lunch like a veggie soup or salad. Please don’t eat anything after 2pm on the day of ceremony.


It is recommended to not engage in sex or sexual activities three days before and three days after ceremony with self or others.

Reduce exposure to media (ideally at least 48 hours before ceremony; this allows your subconscious and conscious minds a break from outside influences). If you need to check email and make phone calls it is fine, but a break from social media is very worthwhile. This is a wonderful time to let go of anything else that you know is not serving you.

We know that this is a lot of information, but we feel it is important to be clear, prepared and to make sure that you have what you need to make an informed decision about sitting in this ceremony.

It is truly an honor to be able to carry and share this medicine with you. Please contact me directly if you have any questions.


A Letter From Ananda
To be read before ceremony